Published by Liveright,
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
“The colonists didn’t describe their war for independence as the American Revolution, Pulitzer winner Ellis points out in the preface to this richly detailed, multi-voiced history. The term they used was “The Cause” - “a conveniently ambiguous label that provided a verbal canopy under which a diverse variety of political and regional persuasions could coexist.” Ellis skillfully charts divergent interests . . .This expert account highlights the “improvisational” nature of America’s founding.” Publishers Weekly
Photo: Dorothy Greco
New York Times Bestseller Revolutionary Summer: The Birth of American Independence
Pulitzer Prize for Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
National Book Award for American Sphinx, The Character of Thomas Jefferson
New York Times Bestseller His Excellency: George Washington

The Cause rethinks the American Rvolution as we know it, and thereby reframes our understanding of both the achievements and failures of the founding generation.

COMING SOON Realities and Regrets: The Tragic Side of the Founding from Knopf

Joseph J. Ellis